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    Ascoltate gli utenti Novii

    1. Lawrence A, Lewis L, Hofmeyr GJ, Dowswell T, Styles C. Maternal positions and mobility during first stage labour. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009 Apr 15; (2): CD003934.
    2. Cohen WR, Ommani S, Hassan S, Mirza FG, Solomon M, Brown R, Schifrin BS, Himsworth JM, Hayes-Gill BR. Accuracy and reliability of fetal heart rate monitoring using maternal abdominal surface electrodes. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2012 Nov; 91 (11): 1306-13.
    3. Hayes-Gill B, Hassan S, Mirza FG, Ommani S, Himsworth J, Solomon M, Brown R, Schifrin BS, Wayne R. Cohen WR. Accuracy and Reliability of Uterine Contraction Identification Using Abdominal Surface Electrodes. Clinical Medicine Insights: Women's Health 2012: 5 65–75.
    4. Cohen WR, Hayes-Gill B. Influence of maternal body mass index on accuracy and reliability of external fetal monitoring techniques. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2014 Jun; 93 (6): 590-5.
    5. Baker, K. Midwives should support women to mobilize during labour. British Journal of Midwifery. August 2010, vol 18 No 8.
    6. Lawrence A, Lewis L, Hofmeyr GJ, Dowswell T, Styles C, Maternal positions and mobility during the first stage of labour. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2009 issue2.

    *Valore nominale per l'immersione totale in acqua a 1 metro
    **Indicato per l'uso su donne a >36 settimane completate (37,0), in fase di travaglio, con gravidanze non gemellari.
